cloud storage

Avoiding Threats in the Cloud

The cloud’s potential for storage and service options has created countless opportunities for businesses to expand or improve their offerings, without requiring costly changes to local networks. But, the cloud is not perfect, and it poses some security challenges. Cloud-based applications can be very convenient, especially for accessing or sharing information when working remotely. However, precautions must be taken to protect sensitive information. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your cloud [...]

Cloud Storage

How to Maximize Cloud Potential and Protect Business Data by Evolved Office   How can you make the most out of cloud storage, while maintaining strict security standards concerning your business data? Here’s a quick overview: Optimize Your Cloud – Cloud computing allows for continual collaboration across systems, making all of your business data available to your team regardless of physical location. Files stored in the cloud are automatically updated, or synced, across all devices, ensuring that [...]