print technology

The Complete Guide to Print Finishing Options

Different print finishing options can take your printed materials from good to great! Whether you're creating business cards, brochures, flyers, or packaging, these finishing touches can elevate your designs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore different print finishing options and their benefits. 1. Laminating - Laminating involves applying a thin layer of plastic to the surface of the printed material, providing durability and protection against wear and tear. It enhances the colors and provides a [...]

By |2024-03-27T19:42:39+00:00March 27th, 2024|print technology|0 Comments

How Digital Printing Presses Make VDP Possible

Variable data printing, also known as VDP, is a cutting-edge digital printing technique that enables the customization of each printed piece within a single print run. This means that names, messages, images, and logos can be effortlessly altered from one printed item to the next without any interruption to the printing process. Digital printing makes VDP possible by seamlessly integrating personalized data into digital files and using automated workflows to create and print custom documents [...]

By |2023-10-11T14:12:24+00:00April 24th, 2023|print technology|0 Comments

5 Big Advantages of Digital Printing Over Offset

While traditional offset printing has been the go-to method for many businesses, the rise of digital printing presses has revolutionized the printing industry. Digital printing presents a range of benefits that traditional offset printing cannot match, including cost-effectiveness for short runs, faster turnaround times, accurate color matching, customization options, and environmental sustainability. Here are the top 5 benefits that digital printing offers over traditional offset printing, and why businesses should consider embracing this innovative technology [...]

By |2023-10-11T13:57:23+00:00April 19th, 2023|print technology|0 Comments

Cool Printing Trends You’ll Want to Know About

When it comes to printing technologies, innovation never stops. The casual observer might not think much has changed in the printing industry in recent years, but many new print technologies have emerged that will soon revolutionize the way documents—and even objects—are produced.  Being in the know about upcoming and transformative printing technologies gives you a competitive advantage and ensures you’ll have access to the latest advancements when the timing is right for your business. [...]

By |2024-06-21T19:59:47+00:00July 25th, 2016|3D printing, clear toner, fifth color station, paper weight, print technology, printing, Production printing, ricoh, ricoh C7110X, white toner|Comments Off on Cool Printing Trends You’ll Want to Know About