The digital revolution has changed how we work in many ways. Today, users can produce uniquely personalized content with variable printing software and a digital press.

So, What Exactly is Variable Data Printing or VDP?

VDP, also known as variable printing, variable imaging, or variable information printing (VIP), is an advanced form of digital printing. 

Variable Data Printing allows users to create customized printed content by changing and replacing particular elements like text, names, colors, images, or headlines using a database or external file. In this way, the content can be modified from one document to the next.

Using VDP, several promotions can come out of a single document design. While VDP goes by many names, there are also several different types. They include:

  • Additional Versioning: Each piece has elements that vary and can be personalized. One example is varying the text of an offer letter or sales letter.
  • Name and Address: This allows the user to print individualized content like a letter using name and address variability.
  • Image Personalization: This involves customizing images in a database. A great example would be personalizing contact details with an image for a marketing piece or campaign.

VDP uses saved data or a database. The data can come from a spreadsheet and can consist of various elements like colors, text, or graphics.

Cheerful Group Of Millennial Men And Women Smiling At Camera

The Benefits of VDP

Here are four key benefits of VDP:

  1. Increased Engagement – VDP allows you to specifically target and personalize your printed marketing materials leading to greater customer engagement.
  2. Personalized Art, Design, and Labeling – Personalizing your content is a powerful tool for promoting products.
  3. Tracking is Easier – VDP allows you to track your audience with physical items. With barcodes or ID numbers placed on materials, you now have a reliable way to track results and gather information.
  4. Personalized URLs – A Personalized URL (PURL) is a one-off microsite with a URL specific to a recipient. It is highly effective when used as part of a VDP direct mail campaign as it is an additional variable used for personalization.

Are you ready to learn more? Variable Data Printing can help you grow your business, personalize your outreach, and gain a competitive edge. Give your rep a call and let us show you the benefits of VDP!

About Modern Office Methods (MOM)

Modern Office Methods has helped businesses navigate their document challenges for over 60 years. They offer Production Print Solutions, Managed Print Services, Software Solutions and IT Services to help enhance their customers’ business processes while reducing expenses.

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