Choosing an automated file management system can be a complicated decision. You know you want to streamline processes and automate workflows, but should you choose a document management system or a content management system? While they share many similarities there are some key differences to be aware of.

Document Management

A DMS, or document management system, is a way to create, store, and organize documents digitally. The type of documents include structured content, such as Word documents, Excel files, or PDFs. A DMS can help you manage and store your data, with easy retrieval. It can also aid in collaboration, enhance your document security, and allow you to automate workflows. Most businesses find a DMS useful for managing workflows and ensuring regulatory compliance. Document management systems often come with powerful scanning technology with optical character recognition to turn any document into an indexable digital document.

Content Management

A CMS, or content management system, is similar to a DMS in a lot of ways. Like a DMS, you can create, manage, and store digital documents, automate workflows, enhance security, and allow collaboration. Unlike a DMS, a CMS is able to deal with additional file types, such as audio files, images, videos, and web content. In fact, its primary purpose is the storage and publishing of this type of content. Its ability to manage unstructured content sets it apart from a document management system.

Choosing the Right System

How do you choose which system is right for you? You need to look at the type of content you’re dealing with, and what your goals are. If you’re dealing with primarily structured content, want to ensure regulatory compliance, and have a system that integrates into your existing enterprise systems, a DMS may be the right choice for your business. However, if you need the flexibility to store, manage, and publish a wide variety of digital content, a CMS may be the better option.

Whatever system you choose, you’ll have the benefits of automated workflows, enhanced document security, and easy storage and retrieval. However, it’s important to understand the purpose and features of each system to ensure that your business gets the file management system that best suits your needs. Contact us to learn more.