electronic documents

Why Remote Employees Need Document Management

Many of us are comfortably (some in their work pajamas) and effectively working from home these days. Technology makes it possible for us to connect and do our jobs with minimal hassle outside of the office. However, while we can communicate and collaborate from a distance, some remote employees are experiencing one struggle in their new work arrangement: secure access to documents they need to fulfill their responsibilities. Their company lacks document management functionality that [...]

Bring Your Scanned Documents to Life with OCR

op·ti·cal char·ac·ter rec·og·ni·tion ˈäptəkəl ˈker(ə)ktər ˌrekəɡˈniSHən/ noun the identification of printed characters using photoelectric devices and computer software.   As the business world continues to move closer toward the paper-free office, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is one of the technological advancements helping make this transition feasible and painless. OCR uses computer algorithms to convert scanned images of handwritten or printed text into machine-readable format. The process digitizes printed text into word processing files, making [...]