
Tech Expert Q&A – Managing Day-to-Day Office Tasks Better

Question: Our company is growing very rapidly, and we need to find a better way to manage all the vacation requests, expense reports, and invoice approvals that circulate around the office. Many times they get lost, and everyone is upset. Any suggestions?   Answer: The last several years, we have seen many companies with the same problem. Ironically, it is a problem that is very easy to solve.  MOM offers OfficeFlow Central as an easy, [...]

Tech Expert Q&A – Marketing & QR Codes

Question: We generate invoices every month, and would like to use these mailings to feature other products we sell that would benefit existing clients. Is there a cost-effective way to enhance our invoices to market clients this way? Answer: MOM sells software that can do exactly what you are asking about. MOM’s OfficeFlow Output applications can create personalized advertisements on services and products not yet purchased by the customer!  By using information contained in the [...]