
Top 4 Ways Invoice Scanning Saves Staff Time

For most businesses, staff time is by far a company's most valuable resource. Consider the following ways that business invoice scanning can make your invoice input, payment, filing, and searching faster than ever, saving you time and money. 1. Automated input - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software extracts critical document information—like vendor name, date, purchase order, amount due, etc.—and makes it instantly available in digital format. 2. Accounts payable integration - Once business invoice information [...]

Tech Expert Q&A – Better Billing Solutions

  Question: I work for a local consulting company, and one of our challenges is billing our clients for all the paper reports, and documents they require us to print out as our final deliverable. What options do we have to automate the accurate collection and invoicing of these documents? Answer: There is a real cost to producing paper documents, and as a consultant you deserve to charge your clients for this cost. The good news [...]

Tech Expert Q&A – Marketing & QR Codes

Question: We generate invoices every month, and would like to use these mailings to feature other products we sell that would benefit existing clients. Is there a cost-effective way to enhance our invoices to market clients this way? Answer: MOM sells software that can do exactly what you are asking about. MOM’s OfficeFlow Output applications can create personalized advertisements on services and products not yet purchased by the customer!  By using information contained in the [...]