protect your data

Ransomware Will Reign Again This Year

Ransomware is the latest evolution in cyber threats and malicious Internet schemes. Last year, more businesses were struck by ransomware than ever before, and that trend is expected to continue. As a result, it’s essential for all professionals to learn more about ransomware and how to defend your company. What is ransomware? Ransomware is a program that infiltrates a computer system and restricts access to the system or certain files. The software encrypts data so [...]

Common IT Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid

In the modern business world everyone depends on technology in the office, no matter how small your business is. As such, the decisions you make regarding the technology you depend on to do business are more important than you may think. Not being smart when it comes to your company’s IT situation can create pitfalls that prevent you from being as successful as you could be. Knowing which IT missteps are commonly made by [...]